Safe staffing matters
Front-line workers know what happens when nursing homes cut corners on staffing, safety, supplies, and other standards. We can’t give residents the care they deserve when we don’t have the tools we need to do our jobs. Is the facility you work at fully-staffed on every shift? Are you missing crucial supplies or safety equipment you need to get your job done?
Front-line workers can hold nursing home employers accountable by submitting reports to the appropriate state agencies. This site, created by SEIU Local 503, the nursing home workers’ union, provides a single tool to submit reports on a variety of issues affecting quality care at Oregon nursing homes.
Cutting corners impacts resident care

1 in 4
Oregon nursing homes understaffed on more than 30% of days in the past year

Complaints against Oregon nursing homes substantiated by CMS in past 3 years

of Oregon nursing homes were fully staffed in the past year

“When we’re short-staffed, I can’t give my residents the care they need. Our loved ones deserve better.”
—Jamie, CNA, Bend, OR
Frequently Asked Questions
Front-line workers have a responsibility to do all we can to make sure our residents get the care they deserve. When nursing home owners cut corners to save money, residents depend on caregivers to speak up. This website provides an easy way to direct these reports to the public officials in charge of keeping nursing homes safe.
Reports on staffing violations, insufficient supplies, or abuse and neglect go to the Department of Human Services. Reports on workplace safety go to Oregon Occupational Health and Safety (OSHA). Wage and hour violation reports go to the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI).
You can submit an anonymous report if you choose. A state investigator will need to interview you and you will have the option to accompany the investigator during the on-site investigation (to help identify people, etc.), or you can remain anonymous. Reports go to the state agencies listed above, and not to your employer. SEIU will never share information from these reports with your employer.
The Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) protects workers against retaliation for reporting staffing and other violations to the state. If you believe you have been retaliated against for whistleblowing, contact your union steward or an SEIU 503 organizer at 1.844.503.7348
Each agency has a different timeline and procedure for following up on reports. For more information about how these cases are handled, visit the agency websites
Hold employers accountable: speak up for quality care
Quick Links
SEIU Local 503, Oregon’s nursing home workers’ union
We envision a just and vibrant society where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, and where all people can provide for themselves and their families.
State Agency Websites
Search for Nursing Home Jobs
When you work union, your pay and benefits are guaranteed, in writing, in your union contract. Union care jobs offer the highest caregiver pay in Oregon; affordable, quality health insurance for you and your whole family; and a voice on the job.
Long Term CareWorks
Care provider training and access to industry-supported resources
Essential Worker Healthcare Trust
Affordable, quality healthcare for Oregon’s long-term care workers.